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Mission Statement

Devon Moors Federation aims to maximise attendance rates in order to ensure that all students are able to take the fullest advantage of the learning experiences available to them.




Schools are only allowed by law to authorise non-medical absences if requested in advance by a parent with whom the pupil normally resides. A school can only authorise such a request if they are satisfied that there are “exceptional circumstances” which apply. However, even if there are exceptional circumstances, schools can still consider any other relevant factors such as previous attendance rates; the ability of the pupil to catch-up on missed work; and the wider impact of missing the specified period of time.

Devon County Council’s advice is that schools must be extremely cautious about approving such requests if the pupil’s education is likely to be significantly impacted upon.

As you are no doubt aware, holidays in term time are strongly discouraged and the school will continue to follow government guidelines which do not allow for authorisation of holidays in term time. If you are intending to take your child out of school during term time, please complete an S2 form and let the school know in advance.

Parents should ensure that they know whether the absence will be authorised or not before they go away as an unauthorised absence will likely result in a penalty notice or court summons being issued to each parent for each pupil affected.  An Absence Request form should be completed and sent to the school at least three school weeks before the intended absence.

Children’s regular attendance and punctuality at school is essential to ensure that they maximise their learning opportunities to achieve their full potential. 

Children who have poor attendance have lower attainment. Children should arrive at school from 08:50 and our register is taken at 09:00. Being late is marked on the register. 

Starting school on time is crucial, so that children can have a good start to their day and be ready to learn. 

Attendance is monitored and if it falls below 95% you will be contacted by letter. The Educational Welfare Officer also monitors attendance and can help support and advise if there are any issues. Please have a look at our Attendance Flow Chart below.

Further Important Devon County Council Information

School Attendance and Legal Proceedings

Working Together to Improve Attendance


If your child is unwell please leave a message on the answer phone or by email before 8.50am on each day of the absence, stating the reason for absence. If your child has diarrhoea or vomiting, they must remain at home for 48 hours following the last episode.

Respiratory illnesses (coughs, colds and covid-like symptoms): We advise that your child stays at home until they feel well, and their temperature has returned to normal. 

Medical Appointments:

Please submit evidence for the appointment when you inform us about medical appointments – such as a hospital letter or a dental appointment card. We ask that you try to schedule routine appointments after school or in the school holidays if at all possible. 


Please contact the office for a form to give us permission to administer medicine such as antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. We also need information about your child if they have an asthma inhaler. Please make sure any inhalers are in date.